Today’s smartphones can accomplish anything from net banking, online purchase to paying bills. The more the brand invests in mobile ecommerce, the more internet traffic the business is likely to experience and grow year after year.

How Important Is Responsive Design

It is pretty much clear that businesses today cannot overlook the responsive design. The ‘one size fits all devices’ design approach no longer holds good for today’s high performing website.

A responsive design, or a mobile friendly website is one in which the coding and designing is done in a manner such that all the website elements (images, screen-layouts, text, video players, etc) seamless adapt themselves on a multitude of devices from desktop to tablets to smartphones. This means users will have similar viewing experience, whatever may be the device, without having to pan, scroll, or the need to re-size the site content.

Importance of Responsive Design:

Earlier Search Engine spiders including Googlebot had to spider and index different URLs and HTML versions of the same site. This means it doesn’t have to spider and index the same content again and again. A responsive design enables the site to load on the same version of URL without having to maintain a separate version of the same site. This will lead to increased rankings and traffic, put you in the driver’s seat in terms of SEO effectiveness and conversions online.

Also, there is better user engagement, enhanced user satisfaction and similar content maintained across all the devices and medium with Responsive Design.

Single site to manage:

It is not easy to maintain multiple versions of the same website, keeping it consistent, updated and well-oiled; even more challenging is the cost factor of design & development and content addition. Because a ready-made mobile version will have only little or fraction of the images and content in comparison with the desktop website this can put off users who’d want to experience uniform accessibility on both the sites. Try to strip off content from the mobile site; your user might go somewhere else looking for a better experience.

Increased User Experience (UX):

A mobile friendly website should aim at offering the best experience to your users, whatever may be the device employed. As a responsive design lays out the content in a purposeful manner, a user doesn’t have to wiggle around with your devices loading, reading or zooming the content or text. This can lead to increased user experience, higher customer loyalty and greater user retention on your site.


Besides offering support to current devices and form factor, responsive website design is built to support any devices and screen form factors. That is why responsive designs are known for their fluid nature and offer the best possible customer experience.

Do you need to retain existing customer base and add fresh new customers to your website? Go for responsive or mobile friendly design that offers an overall first impression of your brand.