Your company rolled out its app just a couple of years back. Your feeling then was simply out of the world. But lately you find the conversions through your app coming in trickle, not in floods anymore, or at least the analytics say so. Your celebrated marketing team, all of a sudden, has fallen out of favours. Take heart, there is still hope left. What may surprise you is that you need to work on your UX a bit. This doesn’t means you have to rebuild your user experience from the scratch. Practically speaking, with some coding tweaks, you can change the tables around. Here are some tell tale signs your app’s UX design needs a makeover.

Three Tell Signs That Your App Needs A Ux Design Refresh

1. You’re losing money upfront:

Businesses in Singapore spent millions for enterprise app development last year alone; the numbers are only growing. But your app doesn’t seem to perform well in terms of revenue. It is high time you work on the UX part of your website and turn users into paying customers at various customer touch points. Therefore, reduced sales may indicate that the app isn’t just supporting customer sales journey or comes in the way of it.
There are a number of reasons ranging from too many clicks, complex navigation, and badly built shopping cart. Cart abandonment is another issue that can impact sales in a huge way. Also, if there are too many steps leading to the buying process after the user choosing to purchase the product, it can either make or break a purchase. The point here is to tailor the customer experience for better sales results.

2. You’re losing customers:

If you find the bounce rate of your app or website greater than 50%, this is an indication of low user engagement. If you face steady dropout rate of returning customers and increased app uninstall rate, understand it’s a retention problem. In fact, it signals a red flag as you are failing to present value to your app or site users.

If you aren’t working good enough to find out where your users want to spend their time, you’re actually failing big time in optimizing your user’s experience and retaining them. Finding out the engagement areas of your app and making them stand out, and removing the least engagement areas will prove critical. Striking the right balance between creative fluff and serious content will help users make informed decision.

3. You’re getting complaints

Seriously speaking, how do you think you can ever find out if your website or app is performing well or not sans user feedback? Perhaps, your users are unaware of whether your app or site incorporates a specific feature they’re looking for or if the feature, if at all it exits, works in a particular way or not. Failure to fix these issues can only compound the existing problems.

We, at Abi-Tech, conduct an evaluation known as “heuristic evaluation” to ascertain how the design principles work to enhance the UX and functionality in practise. Our UX professionals will set the roadmap that focuses on the details at every customer interaction/touch point.