Though the previous blog covered a handful of mobile app types, we aren’t done with it yet. There are several others that offer unique set of functions and features which are equally popular on the Google Playstore and Apple Store. This year tech startups will roll out thousands of apps belonging to one category or the other; what needs to be seen is how they fare in the long run:

Lifestyle Apps:

Lifestyle apps are aplenty as it entails a range of human activities and varied interests from fitness, workout tracker, shopping, fashion, food, virtual dressing room and even ‘stay slim’ programmes. Often mobile app developers are pushed to the core to test their tech skills and build personalised app solutions that range from health mobility, travel management, cooking recipes, time management and so on.

Entertainment apps:

TV content consumption was all on an all-time low the concluded year. Blame it on entertainment apps that offer you an endless list of features including searching events, streaming, chatting, viewing videos online, posting photos and multimedia, rating and reviewing, etc. They are no different from gaming and achieve the same objective of keeping you totally glued to the content delivered. Entertainment apps are woven around user engagement, diverse content types, content freshness and regular updates. These apps, either free or subscription-based, can make our lives lot more fun and meaningful this year!

Utility apps:

The usage of Utility apps is on a rise, and not many know that the taxi mobility apps, payment apps and e-wallets all fall under this category. They feature great user experience (UX), short user session times, faster loading times and faster execution times. People use these apps just to get things done fast and focus on the everyday tasks.

Travel apps

Travel apps are increasing popular in that they help one make clear travel decisions and save on unnecessary travel spends, besides being fun, interactive and informative. Travel apps serve as virtual travel diary and some as virtual travel assistant, tour guide and also as language translation tool with maps in real time interacting with your movement. If you are travelling alone, you will want to savour the entire travel experience digitally.

On a final note, mobile apps, be them native, hybrid or web apps, have changed the very face of everyday life breaking down complex tasks into simple components. Though there are more mobile app types we can think of, it is beyond the scope of the blog to include them all. Please feel free to add those here for the benefit of our users.