Time tracking is tricky. Yes, ABI-Tech, one of the best time management software development team in Singapore and advocates of tracking time, holds no different a view. What mistakes do most companies commit in implementing the right time management process? Let us put things straight here.

* Weighing the benefits of time management tool is critical. Most companies fail to do the same. Employees must be shown upfront the takeaways of adopting a particular time management tool. Factors like how it can streamline workflow must be put forth. Make them loud and clear. Time tracking, once made obligatory, should be put at the centre of project management activities, and the willingness of the employees evoked.

* Managers must communicate what is expected of the employees for the time management software to perform as intended. Deviations early on, if justifying, should be admissible. The objective of adopting time management software is to mould the company’s work culture and not just generate percentage and figures. Conversely, it should reflect the work efficiency measured in terms of profitability and labour input figures. That’s what Abi Whiz is for.

* Most organizations allow their employers to create and itemize tasks, sub-tasks, and assign team members and schedule. The project manager, who is responsible with the entire project, must huddle with the team leaders and members in creating the schedule, and overall limit the number of people designated to create tasks and assign schedule.

* Similarly, the mantle of handling time management tool on a granular level should be handed over to a dedicated individual who can report to the project managers of different SBUs and HR manager. Also, he or she should be deemed responsible for addressing employees’ needs and concerns as for the time and project management process. Also, any TMS tool should help the HR department focus on its core activities.

* Tracking time lost due to viewing Social Media pages or personal emailing may seem trivial, but it certainly has quite a bearing on the bottom-line of your organization. After all TMS shouldn’t be just the means to the end we’re all hoping for!

* Planning, expectations and assumptions related to time tracking are changeable over time. That is why the process of continuously analyzing, measuring and interpreting the outcomes is always crucial. So much for the features of effective time management software, paying attention to the implementation process holds the key to process tracking and improvement of an organization.